Sunday, July 24, 2011

Basic Health and Sanity

Of course I am behind. It's summer. I am in charge of four (five including Warren) very active boys. Boys are happy when they are moving. I cannot keep four boys moving and blog at the same time. It is impossible.

The good news is that football season begins in one week. This means that they will all still be home all day, but will be extremely tired from practices every night of the week. The next week schools begins. Finally I will be able to update you on our summer adventures...It's been a good one!

Unfortunately, it's been a sad and jarring couple of weeks. 3 women, all under 40, that I know passed away. Each one of them left me speachless. When things like that happen you question your own mortality.

To top it off, I attended a health and fitness RS activity this week. Nothing new, but things I am really interested in. What really got me was the video clip from a group of doctors teaching that just to maintain a healthy lifestyle, MAINTAIN, everyone of us should be doing a bare minimum of 30 minutes cardio 6 days a week. That does not include the weight training and diets that we should all be following. It floored me.

Why? Don't we all know that? Well, kind of. I sat there realizing that the older you become, the more kids you have, the easier it is to forget about yourself. An hour of exercise, all of the sudden, becomes a treat for us moms. Like we are taking a vacation, or going to the spa or something. In reality, it is something we should be doing everyday, like tieing our shoes.

I realize what a gift good health is. I morn the loss of my sisters. I vow to be better to my own body. We just don't know how long we have...


6jardines said...

Sorry for the loss of your friends. Us Moms do need to take better care of ourselves!

URFAVE 5+A Few said...

Wow that was something I for sure needed to read! I have been seriously neglecting myself this summer-not because I want to but because between my job, my kids, and my grandpa when I have a few minutes of free time I usually just want to sit and rest. As you probably know-exercising is NOT one of my favorite things to do. I really have to force myself to do it, however, after reading this post I have vowed that I need to get back on track and do better! Thanks for helping me to rededicate myself and I'm sorry to hear of your loss of your friends? Anyone I know-besides Robyn's sister?

Take Care-sure miss you and love ya!

Jenn said...

So sorry to hear about the loss of your friends this summer. Losing someone you care about is never easy.
Keep you chin up and don't forget to take care of YOU!

Sarah Sunshine said...

it is so easy to forget - very moving entry :)