Sunday, September 25, 2011

Summer 2011!!!

Summer is not to be taken lightely in a home with four boys. We work hard to keep these monkeys busy during this time. I love having no schedule, and less stress during these months. Along with the Otterpops, sports camps, cabin trips, late nights, sleepovers, summer reading, swim lessons, and a house full of friends all the time, here are just a few more of our summer habits...

We are lazy. I think that's all that Preston wore all summer long. And, who says swimming in a pool doesn't count as a shower???

Dane was potty trained. Woo Hoo! Warren taught him the "Wyoming Way"...I am now teaching him that he can also go pee indoors.

Kanyon lake trip with the Pospisils. It was beautiful and so much fun. I love Arizona. There are so many beautiful places to see.

Spenc and Tyler are like brothers.

Preston has always, always been a dare devil. The stories I could tell...


Smith Family said...

Ok, that picture of Dane might be my favorite. And my kids all looked like Preston this summer...

Smith Family said...
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