Sunday, June 27, 2010

Carlsbad Beach 2010

We met up with the Bonds one of the days on our vacation. We always enjoy hanging out with this family, and Kendra doesn't seem to mind tagging along with all of the boys. We really had a good time!

Throwing rocks.

Boogie Boarding

They spent hours finding sea shells and crabs.
Dane was a total poser at the beach.


URFAVE 5+A Few said...

Too dang cute. All of the sudden Dane grew up and looks like another one of your cute little boys and not a baby anymore.

Your boys are just darling. You are a very blessed gal!

Lisa said...

I LOVE your blog! It helps that your kids are absolutely darling too:)

Smith Family said...

So fun! My kids loved the beach. Almost as much as Disneyland.

Julz said...

Looks like you guys are having a fun summer! Where in Carlsbad did you stay? We love Carlsbad we go there 3 times every summer, it's our fav!